At the Public Service Regulatory Board (PSRB) we look after the public interest. It is our responsibility to carry out the Acts tasks that have been delegated to us, ensuring that users of regulated entities have access to services efficiently and effectively.

If any party is affected by any order, resolution, decision or final determination of the Telecommunications Bureau or the Transportation and Other Public Services Bureau, a request for administrative review before the PSRB or before the Court of Appeals can be filed. If your request is related to the Energy Bureau, you may go to the Court of Appeals of Puerto Rico. This application submission will be made in accordance with the PSRB Rules of Procedure.

Note: The documents are only in spanish

JRSP-NET-2022-0001 – Administrative Revision
1 file(s) 213 downloads
Resolution and Orders March 28, 2022
1 file(s) 220 downloads
Resolution and Orders December 9, 2019
CASO NÚM . KLRA201900396
1 file(s) 288 downloads
Resolution and Orders September 11, 2019
Determinación Final Empire Gas vs. Puma Energy
1 file(s) 311 downloads
Resolution and Orders June 3, 2019
JRSP-NET-2018-0001 – 20190117-JRSP-RO
1 file(s) 253 downloads
Resolution and Orders January 17, 2019
JRSP-NET-2018-0001 – 20181204-JRSP-RO
1 file(s) 415 downloads
Resolution and Orders December 4, 2018